by admin | Dec 13, 2011 | Perspectives, Prism on Leadership
The noted artist Willem De Kooning, as he aged, commented that, “you have to change to stay the same.” Sometimes, as leaders, we find wisdom in rediscovering what we already know. Having met with numerous Board members and corporate leaders recently, many...
by admin | Dec 13, 2011 | Perspectives, Prism on Leadership
In the recent Atlanta Journal Constitution article from December 2011, “Don’t Get Burned Passing the Torch,” founding partner of the Koblentz Group, Joel M. Koblentz was quoted extensively on the importance of succession planning as “the” seminal responsibility of...
by admin | Jan 26, 2011 | Perspectives, Prism on Leadership
In our work, we advise many boards and hear their most pressing challenges. Recently, the trend is clearly focused on leadership. When we are asked to recruit a new CEO, we ask, how the situation evolved to the point where the board lost confidence in their leader....