HR Trends…A View From the Front

It’s time for HR Leadership to shine! During the later part of 2009 and in 2010, we have observed that corporate leadership and corporate boards are placing an increasing emphasis on knowing about the depth of talent, experience and competencies within their corporate...

Koblentz comments on Home Depot’s CEO

The full text can be read at: On Frank Blake’s approach to Home Depot’s traditions: “Frank has been very observant about the symbols,” said Joel M. Koblentz, senior partner with The...

Diversity Suffers in Atlanta Boardrooms

We, in Atlanta, have a special feeling for diversity and as Partner in The Koblentz Group, the issue of diversity is personal and professional. Diversity, however defined, has gained acceptance among our corporate leaders. Yet, many CEOs and board members of Atlanta...

Advice to CHROs on Making Your Mark

In the past month, we had conversations with three highly reputed CEOs of mid cap public companies where the specific topic was their expectations for their CHRO leader and where that leader could truly create value. While a sample of three is certainly not...